Episcopal Health Ministry Logo - Shield with flower

The Episcopal Health Ministries @ St. Andrew's is a group of parishioners with an interest in health and healing within a spiritual context. Meeting since 2005, the contribution of social workers, health educators, clergy and hospital chaplains as well as nurses and others continues to be sought.

EHM meets regularly, please contact Ann Garvin to find out when the next meeting will be. We'd love to have you join us!

Missed the Unwanted Medication Collection?

Did you miss the collection of expired and unwanted medications this fall? Please take your unused medications to one of the Participating Collection Sites.

Sponsored Events & Activities

  • - Transportation for health care appointments
  • - Second Sunday Blood Pressure Screenings
  • - Unwanted medication disposal
  • - Year round health and wellness information
  • - Seasonal flu shots in the fall
  • - Annual AED/CPR classes

Mission Statement

Mission Statement of the National Episcopal Health Ministries:

Health ministry in a local congregation is an intentional ministry focusing on both healing and health, combining the ancient traditions of the Christian community and the knowledge and tools of modern health care.

The mission given Christ's disciples is to preach, teach and heal, and the church's teaching and preaching have far exceeded her healing in this day. The church needs to be true to her calling and has the opportunity in this modern age to use many tools to bring about health and healing.

There is a significant need for the church to address health issues. The current health care system in the United States doesn't focus on health; it is primarily disease oriented. Too often it isn't a cohesive, holistic system; it's fragmented and enormously expensive. The church, on the other hand, is in the business of healing, of making whole, and of doing it in community. The local congregation is a place where health professionals and lay people can work together to keep people well, to empower and educate, to advocate for health and to care for people in need.

Health ministry is often, though not exclusively, led and coordinated by a parish nurse. Health ministry looks different from congregation to congregation, reflecting the needs, interests and resources of the faith community. Health ministry does not replicate services that already exist in the community, but rather works with community partners and resources.

Health ministry is a living witness of the healing activity of God through the local congregation, encouraging whole-person health through:

  • -- integration of body, mind and spirit
  • -- increased self-knowledge
  • -- personal responsibility
  • -- interdependence among God's people