2024 Annual Giving: Rise to the Challenge
We need an increase in our total pledge to have a sustainable, balanced budget next year.
As you consider your pledge for this year, please remember that the pledges of our faithful new and longtime members support our vibrant music program; help coordinate our countless volunteers who assist with every aspect of worship; provide for the creation and printing of service leaflets, publicity, and online streaming; make sure our buildings and grounds are well-maintained; and ensure that St. Andrew’s is here for you and your family for major life events such as baptisms, weddings, and funerals.
Please know: The wardens, vestry, rector, and staff are grateful for every pledge of support, no matter the size. And, if your financial situation is such that you cannot pledge this year, please know that we are grateful that you are here, grateful for the many ways you support St. Andrew's, and grateful for your prayers.
Reflect on your relationship with God, and on what St. Andrew's means to you. Consider these
Does my pledge reflect the depth of my faith?
What does my pledge say about my sense of generosity?
Is my pledge representative of St. Andrew's importance in my life?
Pray for God's guidance and be open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. May we see our pledge as an outward and visible sign of our growth in gratitude, faith, and generosity.
Stretch (like so many parishioners have done) beyond your comfort zone. We’re asking our faithful new and longtime members to consider a 15% increase in their pledge for 2024 to help us fund our mission and ministry.
I filled out a card already - do I need to fill out the online form too? No! If you have already submitted a pledge card for 2024 to the church there is no need to do so again.
How do I pay my pledge?
At Church: Put your check in the offering plate
By Mail: Send your check to: St. Andrew's Church, 306 N. Division St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104
ACH: To pay via Automatic Bank Debit (ACH), contact Rev Graham or learn more about ACH. This method has the lowest transaction fees for the church!
WeShare: Use our online payment portal to pay your pledge or give a general offering! Visit wesharegiving.org to establish recurring pledge payments or make a one-time donations.
Why are you asking me to pledge? Pledge income provides more than 80% of the church's annual income needed to continue our current levels of ministry and annual maintenance. In order to formulate a budget and allow the staff to plan programming for the upcoming year we need to know what level of support we can expect from the parish.
How much should I give? There is no ‘right’ amount. All gifts hold equal importance as they are a reflection of each individual’s prayerful consideration of their relationship with God, St. Andrew’s, and their personal financial position.
I already give faithfully by putting money in the offering plate. Why should I pledge? Each pledge received helps the Finance Committee and Vestry of St. Andrew’s during the annual budget planning process, where ministry funding is determined and ministry commitments are made.
What happens if I can’t fulfill my pledge? Your pledge is not a binding contract. It is only an indication of your intent to give. You will never be ‘billed’ for any amount should you be unable to fulfill your pledge. You can change your pledge at any time by contacting the Parish Office.