Soli Deo Gloria!
Our organ is now completed, first heard in its full glory on Easter Sunday morning (April 17, 2022). The reed stops, which were the last stops to be finished, are the crowning glory of the organ, adding brilliance, color and drama to the full organ sound.
Our journey toward completion began with the arrival of the organ in November 2021, and the first Sunday we used the organ in service was December 5, 2021, when we had the 8’ foundation stops, which are the stops upon which everything else rests. By Christmastide 2021, we had all of the 8’ and 4’ foundation stops, adding some cheerful color.
By the end of February 2022, we had all of the higher pitched stops that complement the foundation stops, giving us a full chorus with a range of pitches to enjoy. The largest of our reed stops, the pedal 16’Posaune was used April 3, 2022 during the Postlude, and on Palm Sunday, April 10, 2022 we added the 16’ and 8’ reeds on the swell during the Prelude. Lastly, for Easter Sunday, April 17, 2022, we showcased the entire organ, including the Great Trumpet featured in the final Prelude piece (Carillon de Westminster by Louis Vierne).
For photographs and information on the construction, installation, and history of the Organ Project, please see The Organ Project Archive.
OPUS 25 SPECIFICATIONS2022 Opus 25 Dedication
On October 2, 2022, St. Andrew's celebrated the blessing and dedication of our new Richards, Fowkes & Co. organ, Opus 25. Festivities included a blessing, a new choral anthem commissioned by St. Andrew's, and a dedicatory recital by Aaron Tan, international prize-winning organist. The Organ Dedication and Dedicatory Recital are available to view on our YouTube channel and the Dedication Booklet is available to view online, or you can pick up a copy in the lobby or Narthex of the church.
Watch the Dedication Service
Watch the Dedicatory Recital
View the Opus 25 Dedication Booklet [PDF, 20 pages]
Organ Use Policy
Interested in using St. Andrew's new tracker organ or our chapel instrument?
Please review the church's Instrument Use Policy and contact our Director of Music, Dr. Deborah Friauff, to discuss next steps.