Welcome to St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Celebrating God's Word and Christ's Love Since 1827
St. Andrew's is an open and affirming church and is a member of the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. We joyfully and unconditionally welcome everyone to God's table as we strive to feed God's children spiritually and physically.
Whether you are new to Ann Arbor or a long-time resident, it is our hope that this church can be a part of the place you call home! If you are new to the Episcopal faith and would like to learn more about what we believe, please visit the National Church or the Diocese of Michigan. If you are new to the Ann Arbor/Washtenaw County area, you may find the websites for the City of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County useful.
About Our Parish
We are a vibrant and active parish - approximately 550 families currently call St. Andrew's home. In 2022 we celebrated 12 baptisms, 4 confirmations, and 4 weddings.
The parish was founded in Ann Arbor in 1827 (10 years before Michigan became a state!) and the church has been located at the corner of Catherine and North Division since 1834 and in our current building since 1867.
Learn more about our parish history
Our Catherine St. parking lot is reserved for handicap parking on Sundays. We have accessible entrances to both the Sanctuary and the parish offices. The Parish Hall and church school classrooms can be reached via elevator (located in the lobby, next to the chapel). For those who have telecoil hearing aids, our Sanctuary is equipped with this technology.
We invite you to explore St. Andrew's!
See what's happening at St. Andrew's
This Week
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about how we Worship
Take a look at our recent Publications
Learn about our many choirs and Music at St. Andrew's
See more photos of parish life on our Instagram
Watch a service, concert, or play on our
YouTube Channel
No matter where you are on your journey of faith, you are welcome here.
Services to Fit Your Busy Schedule
Can't make it to church on Sunday? A livestream of the 10:00 am Holy Eucharist is available on our YouTube channel. Sunday Service Bulletins are published weekly for use with at home or virtual worship.
Join us Sundays at 10:00 am on YouTube
How We Worship
Services are held at 8:00, 9:15, and 10:00 am every Sunday and at 8:00 pm on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month from September through April. Additional services are held year-round on Wednesday, Friday, and various special Feasts and holidays.
All Ages Welcome at All Services
Children are a vital part of our congregation and are always welcome. Busy bags and books are available in the Narthex for use during services held in the church.
9:15 am Family Service
A service designed for families with young children is held each Sunday at 9:15 am in the Chapel. This service provides families with small children an opportunity to worship together in a child-friendly environment. We follow a traditional eucharistic format, yet the atmosphere is intentionally informal. If a toddler needs to walk around, let them go - someone will stop them before they head out the door!
Each Sunday, a nursery is available for infants and toddlers. A class for three and four-year-olds is held at 9:45 am when Church School is in session. Childcare is also available at no cost at Christmas, Easter, and other special parish events.
The Church School
Each Sunday during the academic year children ages 3-18 take part in our Church School and Youth Faith Formation programs. Children and youth spend part of the morning in classes before joining their parents and the congregation for communion.
Get Involved in Ministry
We have a number of activities and opportunities for involvement here, and at times that may seem overwhelming! Our groups and committees cover all aspects of parish life from the Altar Guild to to Social Justice to Bible Study to Stewardship.
Find your ministry with St. Andrew's
Music at St. Andrew's
For those interested in music, five vocal and handbell choirs play on rotating Sundays during the 10:00 am service as well as at special services throughout the year. Our annual concert series, 2023-24: Organ Recital Series, takes place on the first Sunday of the month from October to April.
Leaders in Liturgy
Parishoner participation is vital to each of our services. Our Leaders in Liturgy serve as acolytes, read lessons and intercessions, help administer communion, prepare the church for the service, and much more. Serving every week, once a month, or on a substitute basis is a wonderful way to connect with your faith on a deeper level.
The Breakfast at St. Andrew's
For nearly forty years, St. Andrew's has been home to "The Breakfast" which provides a free hot meal to the hungry on a daily basis. The Breakfast is funded by donations and grants and is staffed by more than 500 volunteers.