"Leaders in Liturgy" refers to the clergy and parishioners responsible for leading each service.
If you are interested in joining one of our liturgical ministries, please call the Office at (734) 663-0518 or email the office at office@standrewsaa.org.
Adults and children in the third grade and above are invited to participate in service as an acolyte. Acolyte functions include serving as crucifer, torchbearer, server, thurifer, and banner bearer. During worship, acolytes do three things: worship, enable the congregation to worship, and enable other worship leaders to do their tasks well.
Acolytes are assigned on a service-by-service basis, with each month's schedule being published in advance.
Altar Guild
Do you like to clean, organize, or help behind the scenes? The Altar Guild is responsible for the care of the liturgical vessels, vestments, and linens and also sees that the Chancel and Altar are properly set up before services.
The Altar Guild serves on a rotational basis, for one week at a time, with the exception of Christmas and Holy Week/Easter when the guilds combine. New members are always welcome.
Bread Bakers
Responsible for providing bread for communion, the bread bakers work from a provided recipe, baking five loaves of bread on Friday and taking the bread to the sacristy on Saturday mornings. Recipe and instruction is available.
Bread Bakers provide bread on a weekly basis, as assigned each month. New members are always welcome.
The intercessor is the person who leads The Prayers of the People during the Sunday liturgies.
Intercessors are assigned on a service-by-service basis, with each month's schedule being published in advance.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs)
The Lay Eucharistic Minister assists with the administration of the chalice during the Holy Eucharist. Becoming a LEM does take some training; speak with the clergy if you are interested in becoming a LEM.
LEMs are assigned on a service-by-service basis, with each month's schedule being published in advance.
It is our custom to assign readers on a rotating basis for the Old and New Testament readings at Sunday services as well as additional readings at special services. Once a month this role is filled by children and youth from the Church School and Journey to Adulthood.
Lectors are assigned on a service-by-service basis, with each month's schedule being published in advance.
The ministry of the usher is to assist people upon their arrival for worship. This involves greeting people, providing them with a service bulletin and any other worship materials in addition to helping visitors find their way. This is a very pro-active ministry. Members of our Youth Groups help serve as ushers on a regular basis.
Ushers are assigned on a service-by-service basis, with each month's schedule being published in advance.