Sundays @ 10am
This Sunday • Upcoming Events • Community Events • Announcements • Church School • Music Notes • The RCL
Sunday, September 22
Happy Birthday!
Join us after the 10:00 am service in the Lounge for cake for our September Birthdays!
Music and Remembrances: Honoring the Life of David Hunsche
Please join us Sunday, September 22 at 4:00 pm for a special afternoon of Organ, Choral and Handbell music and remembrances honoring David Hunsche. A reception will follow in the Lounge.
Upcoming Events
Coventry Supper Kickoff
Are you looking for the opportunity to enjoy fellowship with other members of St. Andrew’s? Coventry Suppers are a wonderful way to get to know other members that you might not have met otherwise. These small groups meet throughout the next 12 months with each group setting their own schedule. Interested? Please join us for the Coventry Supper Kickoff on Sunday, September 29 after the 10:00 am service in the Parish Hall. Contact Susan Wakefield to sign up or for more information.
Millennial+Z Meetup
Please join us at the West Park playground on Sunday, September 29 at 2:00 pm. Contact Bill Bryan for more information.
Prayer Vigils in Anxious Times
Tuesday, October 1 - 5:30 pm
Tuesday, November 5 - 5:30 pm
This fall, we’ll gather in the Chapel on the first Tuesday of the month to pray, with words and with silence, for peace, understanding, and healing of the divisions in our country. Please join us.
St. Andrew’s Gets Outside
We’re going for a walk, and we would like you to join us! Our next outing will be at 9:00 am on Saturday, October 5 at the Gallup Park Boat Launch (3310 Geddes Road - it is the parking lot EAST of Huron Parkway), and we will meet next to the big goose statue. Contact Sarah Baird for more information.
Blessing of the Animals
Join us Sunday, October 6 at 4:00 pm and have your pet (or photo or stuffed animal!) blessed.
Confirmation & Reception for Adults
Bishop Perry will be with us on Sunday, October 6 and will confirm ten of our youth during the 10:00 am service. At Confirmation, we ‘confirm’ the promises made on our behalf by our parents and godparents at our baptism. If you are an adult who would like to be confirmed at the bishop’s visit, or if you have been baptized and confirmed in another denomination and would like to be formally received by the bishop into the Episcopal Church, please contact Fr. Paul at 585-241-9317 or
Music for Meditation:
Magnolia Rohrer, Violin
October 6 at 7pm
The 2024-25 Music for Meditation series begins Sunday, October 6 at 7:00 pm. Magnolia Rohrer, Violin. Rohrer, a soloist for Hub New Music and Virago, will play works by Biber, Mozart, Komura, Matteis and Rheinberger. Assisted by Deborah Friauff, Organ and Piano. This event is free and open to the public. The concert is followed by Compline at 8:00 pm.
Worshiping Virtually?
The 10:00 am Holy Eucharist will be livestreamed on our YouTube channel and the bulletin is available in the Publications section of this site.
September Rota
The rota for September is available. If you are unable to serve as assigned, please contact the scheduler for your group.
Rota: September 2024
New Issue of The Network Now Available
Stay informed about life at St. Andrew's with the latest issue of our bi-monthly newsletter The Network! The September issue is available now. This issue of The Network has the latest from Fr. Paul, Upcoming Ministry Events, Breakfast Volunteering Updates, Meet our new Organ Scholar, and much more!
The Network: The September Issue
Help Us Help You!
Please make sure the parish office is notified about hospital and nursing home stays and requests for pastoral care! If you have a request or update, please leave a voicemail at (734) 663-0518 or email Jonathan at
Church School Announcements
2024-25 Sunday School
9:15 am: Family Eucharist
Every Sunday in the Chapel
9:45 am: Nursery Care
Infant - 3 years
9:45 am: Sunday School
Age 3 - Grade 12
Classes start Sunday, September 8
Registration is now open
Please register your children for the 2024-25 Sunday School year online (no log-in required!) or complete a paper registration form in the Lobby.
Hymn 379: God is Love; let heaven adore him
This splendid music was written in 1941 at the wartime headquarters of the BBC, in a little village near Bristol, Abbot’s Leigh (hence the tune’s name). The composer, Cyril Vincent Taylor, an Anglican priest serving in religious broadcasting, wanted to provide an alternative tune to “Austria,” which was unsingable in England during WWII. The tune then took on its own life as it spread through the world on BBC radio. This text was found among the papers of Timothy Rees, the Bishop of Llandaff, after his death in 1939; it was paired with this tune in 1951, its stirring words so well suited to the music’s movement. - Donna Wessel Walker
Little Lamb (Cherwien)
David Cherwien (b.1957), music director of the National Lutheran Choir, is a founding member of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians and served as its National President from 1993 to 1997. This morning’s anthem sets the innocence yet complexity of William Blake’s poem in four part texture (with some divisi), vacillating between major and minor chords as the narrative fluctuates between query and statement. - Dennis Powers
Revised Common Lectionary (The RCL)
Sunday, September 15 - Pentecost 17
Isaiah 50:4-9a • Psalm 116:1-8 • James 3:1-12 • Mark 8:27-38
Sunday, September 22 - Pentecost 18
Jeremiah 11:18-20 • Psalm 54 • James 3:13--4:3, 7-8a • Mark 9:30-37
Sunday, September 29 - Pentecost 19
Numbers 11:4-6,10-16, 24-29 • Psalm 19:7-14 • James 5:13-20 • Mark 9:38-50
Sunday, October 6 - Pentecost 20
Genesis 2:18-24 • Psalm 8 • Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:5-12 • Mark 10:2-16
Looking ahead?
Please visit The Lectionary Page. St. Andrew's generally follows Track Two.