All baptized Christians, regardless of denomination, are welcome to take communion at St. Andrew's. Visitors and newcomers can also rest assured that we will never focus unwanted attention on you by singling you out or asking you to stand up or come forward during the service.

We celebrate seven regular weekly services. All Eucharistic services contain the same basic components: readings from the Bible, a sermon, affirmation of faith, prayers of the people, confession of sins, exchange of the peace, and the taking of communion. The scripture readings change from week to week, and different versions of liturgical texts may also be used from week to week.

Weekly Service Schedule


8:00 am - Holy Eucharist
9:15 am - Family Eucharist
10:00 am - Holy Eucharist
8:00 pm - Compline*
(*1st Sundays only)


7:00 am - Holy Eucharist
6:00 pm - Evensong**
(**September - May)


12:15 pm - Holy Eucharist