Engaging in the Formation of a Faithful Life
As our children grow into adolescence and become young adults, we want them to know they always have a home at St. Andrew’s.
For our teens, we hope to help them understand God’s Word is a powerful force and can be a foundation to help them fit the pieces together in their everyday lives. The heart of the youth program is in the weekly Sunday Church School lessons, young adult forums, outreach activities, social events and shared experiences.
Through these opportunities, our youth can learn to apply their diverse gifts through a formational path, helping them to grow in faith, wisdom and knowledge. All of these elements combine to provide venues for learning life skills, and the tools to nurture their spiritual and faith journey in a personal relationship with God.
Middle School (Formerly Rite 13)
Younger youth take their first steps towards adulthood exploring new ideas and honoring their pondering questions of doubt and faith in both fun and serious activities. They build friendships and begin to take active and visible roles in worship and other ministries.
High School (Formerly J2A)
Teens in lower high school grades, explore their faith more deeply, becoming aware of their own story as they navigate the challenges of school, extracurricular activities and new relationships. They have a strong peer group within the Church as they work together preparing for a Pilgrimage journey. They also learn adult life-skills such as team-building, planning and organizing through various fundraising events.
Capstone (Formerly YAC + HS Seniors)
Older youth in upper high school grades develop a process for discernment to recognize how their passions, natural gifting, and spiritual gifts work together as God’s calling to serve in the wider world. They assimilate into the life of the parish in adult ministries and begin to prepare for Confirmation. Young adults with the guidance of mentors, contemplate their future, embrace adulthood and apply the skills and tools learned in the past years as they prepare to take responsibility after high school for nurturing their own spiritual life and emerging personal faith.
The final phase includes preparation for Confirmation. Participation in Confirmation becomes a mature decision, made by spiritually equipped young adults. It places Confirmation in its proper context not as a rite of passage, but as a declaration of their understanding and a willingness in their journey of faith to continue with that which was said for them and to them at their Baptism.
Youth Faith Formation encompasses middle and high school youth. Please visit our Children's Faith Formation page to learn about our Church School for children through elementary school.